24 Hour Crisis Hotline/Listening Line | Need to talk? (401) 272-4044 or (800) 365-4044


“Don’t Stop Believing”

How To Talk To A Student

What to do

Importante! O conhecimento de uma criança suicida se enquadra em risco infantil e deve ser relatado pela lei de RI.

Por favor, siga os protocolos da sua escola para planejamento de emergência. Não tem certeza sobre o plano da sua escola? Você o viu? Você é treinado? Peça mais informações ao seu diretor.

If a child presents as depressed or suicidal, please tell your school’s guidance department, nursing and student assistance program personnel. Get involved!

What is the first step I can take to help?

O que um estudante suicida mais precisa é ser ouvido, não receber sermão ou conselhos.

Don’t try to offer solutions or try to make them feel better. What a depressed or suicidal student most wants is to feel safe with you, to know that you can be trusted, to know that you care. He/she needs a person who will say, “I care” – and show it by not talking but by listening. Listen with sincerity and care, with interest and without judgment.

What should I say?

Begin by gently asking, “Is there something bothering you? I’ll be glad to listen.” The student might reveal something that happened at home, at work, school or in a relationship. You then might ask any of these questions:

  • “How did that make you feel?”
  • “Did that hurt your feelings?”
  • “What are you feeling, right now, this very minute?”
  • Remember; demonstrate that you can listen patiently.

What do I say next?

  • Diga ao aluno que você se importa.
  • Tell the student that depression and related symptoms are treatable.
  • Offer to go with them to the school guidance, nursing or student assistance services. It can be difficult to go alone.
  • Tell them if at any time they do NOT feel safe to please call RI Emergency 911.
  • IMMEDIATELY tell appropriate school staff of your conversation – follow school protocols.
  • As an additional resource, Inform the student about The Samaritans of Rhode Island and the Teen Pages of this website to learn more about suicide prevention.

The Samaritans’ Role

The Samaritans maintains a 24-hour listening line staffed by trained volunteers.

Volunteers can offer nonjudgmental listening when family, friends and professionals are not available. Callers are welcome to call every day as long as we are needed.

Note: The Crisis Hotline/Listening Line is open 24/7 depending on the availability of volunteers.


-a dark web


-so called friends


Ask your school principal for the most up to date mandated reporting requirements, resources and protocols for your school district and school.

StopBullying.gov fornece informações de várias agências governamentais sobre o que é bullying, o que é cyberbullying, quem está em risco e como você pode prevenir e responder ao bullying.

Harassment, Bullying and Retaliation - U.S. resource website.

Bullying and Traumatic Stress - Bullying and harassment can be traumatic. Learn more.

RI Department of Education - Bullying and School Violence

See the Teen and Parent pages of this website for additional resources.

Refer & Help Your Students

Medical Emergency Options

Please review our Emergency Checklist information: Click Here.

  1. Ligue para o 911 diretamente. O resgate levará ao hospital mais próximo para avaliação de emergência. Não importa se você/eles estão segurados ou não.
  2. Walk into Hasbro Children’s Hospital for emergency assessment. Will also provide guidance on follow-up care and treatment.
  3. Ligue para o pediatra, médico de família ou unidade de saúde.
  4. Certifique-se de que o pronto-socorro do hospital e o profissional de saúde primário compartilhem informações médicas.
  5. Tell School Personnel – Principal, Vice Principal, School Nurse, School Counselor, Student Assistance Team.
  6. Continue to monitor child and keep family and professionals informed.

Follow up care and treatment services: All care should be coordinated with pediatrician, mental health specialist, and school personnel.

Important Numbers

Bradley Hospital (401) 434-3400
Butler Hospital (401) 455-6200
Mental Health Association of RI (401) 226-2285

Centro comunitário de saúde mental de acordo com a comunidade: www.mhari.org

RI Council of Resource Providers for Children, Youth, and Families: www.ricorp.net
(401) 431-0555

Página de Recursos Úteis dos Samaritanos de RI. Contém informações úteis sobre prevenção de suicídio. As páginas para jovens adultos incluem informações para jovens, adolescentes, pais e cuidadores. O site também inclui links para recursos úteis.

For information by City & Townclick here.

(401) 272-4044 OR (401) 365-4044

Planos de aula e atividades

Teaching about Suicide Prevention

The Samaritans of RI  SAMs Teachers Manual

Brochuras sobre as salas de aula dos Samaritanos de RI - em breve.

The World Health Organization (WHO) Preventing Suicide Resource Guide for Teachers

Outras atividades em sala de aula

In order for students to build self esteem they need to know who they are and what is important and unique to themselves personally. Students also need to have a concrete way in which to express their value. These activities give students a chance to reflect on who they are and with some lessons, share that information in a fun way with the rest of the class. The following lesson plans are available for you to utilize in the classroom.

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