24 Hour Crisis Hotline/Listening Line | Need to talk? (401) 272-4044 or (800) 365-4044
Important! Knowledge of a suicidal child falls under child endangerment and must be reported per RI law.
Please follow your school protocols for emergency planning. Not sure about your school’s plan? Have you seen it? Are you trained? Ask your principal for more information.
If a child presents as depressed or suicidal, please tell your school’s guidance department, nursing and student assistance program personnel. Get involved!
What a suicidal student most needs is to be listened to, not lectured or advised.
Don’t try to offer solutions or try to make them feel better. What a depressed or suicidal student most wants is to feel safe with you, to know that you can be trusted, to know that you care. He/she needs a person who will say, “I care” – and show it by not talking but by listening. Listen with sincerity and care, with interest and without judgment.
Begin by gently asking, “Is there something bothering you? I’ll be glad to listen.” The student might reveal something that happened at home, at work, school or in a relationship. You then might ask any of these questions:
The Samaritans maintains a 24-hour listening line staffed by trained volunteers.
Volunteers can offer nonjudgmental listening when family, friends and professionals are not available. Callers are welcome to call every day as long as we are needed.
Note: The Crisis Hotline/Listening Line is open 24/7 depending on the availability of volunteers.
-the dark web
-so called friends
Please review our Emergency Checklist information: Click Here.
Follow up care and treatment services: All care should be coordinated with pediatrician, mental health specialist, and school personnel.
Bradley Hospital (401) 434-3400
Butler Hospital (401) 455-6200
Mental Health Association of RI (401) 226-2285
Community mental health center according to community: www.mhari.org
RI Council of Resource Providers for Children, Youth, and Families: www.ricorp.net
(401) 431-0555
The Samaritans of RI Helpful Resources page.
Contains useful information suicide prevention. Young adult pages include information for youth, teens, parents, caregivers. Site also includes links to useful resources.
For information by City & Town, click here.
(401) 272-4044 OR (401) 365-4044
The Samaritans of RI SAMs Teachers Manual
The Samaritans of RI Classroom Brochures - coming soon.
The World Health Organization (WHO) Preventing Suicide Resource Guide for Teachers
In order for students to build self esteem they need to know who they are and what is important and unique to themselves personally. Students also need to have a concrete way in which to express their value. These activities give students a chance to reflect on who they are and with some lessons, share that information in a fun way with the rest of the class. The following lesson plans are available for you to utilize in the classroom.