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Lesson Title: “What Is Self-Esteem”
Nível de escolaridade: 6-12
Time Frame: 1 Class period
Subjects/Skills: Health, Compare/Contrast
Student Learning Objectives:
RI State Standards: RI Health Standards
3 – Os alunos demonstrarão a capacidade de praticar comportamentos que melhoram a saúde e reduzem os riscos à saúde.
6 – Os alunos demonstrarão a capacidade de usar o estabelecimento de metas e a tomada de decisões para melhorar a saúde.
Introduction / Life Connection:
Disperse handout picturing Danny Low and Dora Up. Danny has super low self-esteem, Dora’s is high.
Look closely at each of them. Think about how would you expect them to act? What would you see them doing?
They would like your help in finding out what their differences are and how they are alike.
Preciso que você trabalhe com seu Diagrama de Venn para ver quais diferenças e semelhanças você consegue descobrir.
Estratégia de ensino:
A. Draw a model Venn Diagram on the chalkboard/overhead to match the graphic organizer student will utilize.
B. Divide class into pairs and provide 10 mins. to fill in personal diagrams
C. Class shares conclusions and these are added to the Venn diagram on the board.
D. Challenge answers…
E. Introduce and explain a continuum and how it functions on a daily basis.
What is Self-Esteem?
What did we do to find the differences? Similarities?
What can we learn from Danny and Dora?
How will this information help you?
O que podemos aprender uns sobre os outros?
Extensão da lição:
Dora Up
Danny Down