24 Hour Crisis Hotline/Listening Line | Need to talk? (401) 272-4044 or (800) 365-4044


“Don’t Stop Believing”

Talk With Your Teen

What does your suicidal child need most? They need to feel connected and they need you to listen.

Especialistas em todos os níveis concordam que as tentativas de suicídio de jovens e a depressão associada não são apenas uma tentativa inofensiva de chamar a atenção. Elas são expressões de angústia que precisam ser abordadas. Todas as ameaças ou insinuações suicidas, portanto, devem ser levadas a sério. Adultos podem ajudar a prevenir o suicídio promovendo uma comunicação aberta e honesta com os adolescentes.

  • If your child trusts you enough to come to you with a problem, take time to listen immediately.
  • What can’t be emphasized enough is that what a suicidal person most needs is to be listened to, not lectured or advised.
  • Don’t say, “I know just what you’re going through,” or “Here’s what you have to do.”
  • Em vez disso, diga: “Eu me importo. Por favor, me conte mais.” “Há algo que está te incomodando e que você queira falar?”
  • You could also ask: “How do you feel about that?” “How did that make you feel?” “Did that hurt your feelings?” “I’d be glad to listen.”
  • And then listen. Listen with all of your heart.
  • What a depressed or suicidal young person most wants and needs is to feel safe with you, to know that you can be trusted, to know that you care.


The immediate, highest priority is your child's life.

While we may not always agree with what they may say or do, the first step is to listen.  Learn more about Listening under our About Suicide: Do You Know Someone Struggling.

Like all of us, young people want someone who will let them be themselves, someone who won’t express disapproval of anything they might say, someone who will be patient, someone who will say “I care,” and who shows it not by talking, but by listening.

Garanta ao seu filho que seu amor é tão forte e pleno como sempre, e que o problema, não importa quão terrível pareça, pode ser resolvido – e que você está disposto a ajudar. Então, procure assistência profissional.

See the box below "Refer & Help your Teen".

Additional resources are listed in the Learning Library section of this website.


Seu filho apresenta sinais de alerta de suicídio?

Depression can affect anyone, at any age. There are also many physical problems which may present themselves as depression. Depression is one of the most common behavioral health problems affecting nearly everyone through either personal experience or that of a loved one, family member or friend.

Depression can interfere with daily activities, and frequently causes problems with social and family relations. It causes pain and suffering not only to those who have the problem, but also to those who care about them. It’s important to learn more about depression and what to do if you see the warning signs.

Pode ser difícil saber a diferença entre ter um dia ruim e precisar procurar ajuda. Como você saberia quando alguém com quem você se importa precisa procurar ajuda de um profissional?

The first place to start is to understand the signs and symptoms. These are widely varied, and some may not apply. However, if you are noticing that someone you care about is experiencing symptoms occurring over two weeks or more (not just a day or two), and severe enough that they are causing problems in daily life, it is probably a good indication help is needed.

The gateway to help is your child’s primary care doctor coordinating care with behavioral health specialists.


Pais e amigos são incentivados a observar os seguintes comportamentos, que pessoas suicidas frequentemente exibem.

  • Talking about, writing about, hinting at or threatening suicide
  • Drug abuse
  • Drastic changes in personality
  • Losing interest in favorite activities
  • Sleeping very little or sleeping excessively
  • Eating very little or eating ravenously
  • Previous suicide attempts
  • Giving away prized possessions
  • Fadiga, letargia ou apatia
  • Indo mal na escola
  • Retirada ou isolamento social
  • Drastic changes in appearance
  • Conflicts with family, peers, boyfriends, girlfriends, school staff and significant others.

Esta lista não está completa; estes são apenas alguns dos sinais mais comuns. Sentimentos de depressão e suicídio são tratáveis, com a ajuda certa. Antes que os jovens possam ser guiados para a ajuda profissional de que precisam, no entanto, devemos estar dispostos a ouvir seus gritos de ajuda e responder de forma atenciosa e eficaz.


Medical Emergency & Other Options

Saiba mais na seção Sobre Suicídio do nosso site.

  1. If anyone is in danger, please call 911 directly. Explain the situation and ask for advice. If needed, rescue will bring to nearest hospital for emergency assessment. It does not matter if you/they are insured or not.
  2. Entre no Hasbro Children's Hospital para avaliação de emergência. O hospital também pode fornecer orientação sobre cuidados de acompanhamento e tratamento.
  3. Ligue para o pediatra, médico de família ou unidade de saúde.
  4. Ask for advice - Call Kid’s Link RI (1-855-543-5465). A 24/7 partnership of Gateway Health Care, Brown University Health, Hasbro Children's Hospital and Bradley Children’s Hospital
  5. Informe o pessoal da escola – Diretor, vice-diretor, enfermeiro da escola, orientador escolar, equipe de assistência ao aluno
  6. Continue to monitor child and keep family and professionals informed

Follow up care and treatment services: All care should be coordinated with pediatrician, mental health specialist, and school nurse and school guidance personnel.


Ask for advice - Call Kid’s Link RI (1-855-543-5465).

A 24/7 partnership of Gateway Health Care, Brown University Health,

Hasbro Children's Hospital and Bradley Children’s Hospital.

Bradley Hospital (401) 434-3400
Butler Hospital (401) 455-6200
Mental Health Association of RI (401) 226-2285

Centro Comunitário de Saúde Mental de acordo com a comunidade: www.mhari.org

Parent Support Network of Rhode Island: Learn more.

For information by City & Townclick here.

(401) 272-4044 OR (401) 365-4044


Você acha que seu filho está sofrendo bullying?

Se você perceber logo no início que seu filho está sendo vitimizado, a intervenção pode salvar vidas. Com notícias recentes sobre alunos que tiraram suas vidas por terem sofrido bullying, é fundamental que os pais possuam informações que forneçam indicações do que procurar e o que fazer para evitar mais vitimização.

Um valentão pode usar diferentes tipos de bullying para intimidar outra pessoa. Isso inclui bullying físico, trote, bullying emocional, bullying verbal e cyberbullying.

There is a possibility your child may be bullied if your child:

  • Tem problemas para dormir ou tem pesadelos frequentes.
  • Sente perda de apetite.
  • Appears anxious or suffers from low self-esteem.
  • Appear sad, moody, or depressed at home.
  • Complains of headaches, stomachaches or other physical ailments.
  • Has lost interest in school or suddenly begins doing poorly in school.
  • Parece ter medo de ir à escola, de ir e voltar da escola, de andar de ônibus escolar ou de participar de atividades organizadas com colegas.
  • Has unexplained cuts, scratches, or bruises.
  • Returns from school with torn or missing clothing, books, belongings.

StopBullying.gov fornece informações de várias agências governamentais sobre o que é bullying, o que é cyberbullying, quem está em risco e como você pode prevenir e responder ao bullying.

Harassment, Bullying and Retaliation - U.S. resource website.

Bullying and Traumatic Stress - Bullying and harassment can be traumatic. Learn more.

RI Department of Education - Bullying and School Violence

O que fazer sobre o bullying escolar

There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to bullies

Discuss ways to spot and deal with a school bully before your child becomes a bully’s target.

  • Ajude seu filho a estabelecer um grupo central de amigos confiáveis para ajudar a lidar com um valentão na escola.
  • Boost your child’s self esteem and the ability to ignore or stand up to school bullies when excessively provoked. Be sure to warn him not to resort to tactics that will turn him into a bully, too.
  • Handle the situation privately with your child’s teacher, principal and guidance counselor to devise a way to deal with the school bully. Be sure to have specific information including the dates, witnesses and the nature of the bullying so they won’t be able to dismiss the bullying as an insignificant, one-time incident.
  • Work with the school’s PTA to develop an anti-bullying program to help everyone deal with a school bully.

Identify Cyber Bullying

  • Monitor your child’s online activities to see if they are being contacted by any bullies outside of school. Be especially cautious of popular social-networking sites where it is easy to make contact with others.
  • Monitor the cell phone activities of your child. Know who they are in contact with at all times. This includes text messages.
  • Ask the educators of your child if they have noticed any instances of bullying. Often cyber-bullying is a supplement used by bullies during the after-school hours when they are not near their targets.
  • Procure por qualquer mudança de comportamento quando se trata de usar dispositivos de comunicação eletrônica. Se seu filho usa frequentemente o computador e o celular, mas para de repente, pode valer a pena investigar.

What to do About Cyber Bullying

  • Have your child keep their passwords private… even from friends.
  • Ensine seu filho a nunca fornecer informações pessoais (endereço, nome da escola, horário) online, pois estranhos também podem se tornar agressores virtuais.
  • Have your child show you threatening messages.
  • Parents need to monitor their child’s moods and behavior on and off the computer. This will give you a clue that someone is harassing them, allowing you to take proper steps.
  • Não permita que crianças se comuniquem online com pessoas que nunca conheceram. Qualquer pessoa com quem seu filho converse ou envie e-mails deve ser alguém que ele conheça da escola, igreja ou bairro.
  • Quando o cyberbullying ocorrer, denuncie à escola, ao provedor de Internet, às empresas de telefonia celular e aos sites (todos os que se aplicarem). O cyberbullying frequentemente viola os termos de serviço de muitos sites e provedores de serviço, e então deve haver uma maneira de parar legalmente o assédio. Você também pode denunciar o assédio online à polícia.
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