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“Don’t Stop Believing”

Empower Yourself: Learn To Cope

As a young person, you experience stress at at school, among friends and other activities. You also react to stress in your family. It is important to recognize this stress and adopt healthy coping strategies that will help today and in your life as an adult.

Geralmente, qualquer coisa que possa causar medo e ansiedade pode causar estresse. Isso pode incluir estar longe de casa, ir para a faculdade ou um emprego, mudar para um novo local, estar separado dos pais ou cuidadores, se dar bem com os outros ou se preocupar com notas e se preocupar com seu futuro.

Being Your Best

  1. Self Esteem Do you value yourself?  While all of us enjoy receiving praise, people with a good sense of self-esteem know their own value and don’t always rely on others to tell them they are worthwhile.
  2. Desafios da vida Você é capaz de “enfrentar os obstáculos”? Pessoas bem-sucedidas são capazes de lidar com desafios em cada estágio da vida, mesmo que possam ser temporariamente desencorajadas por eles.
  3. Flexibilidade Você é flexível ou sempre tem que estar certo? Pessoas bem-sucedidas são capazes de cometer erros, aceitá-los como erros e não como falhas morais, e admiti-los prontamente.

  1. Reconheça os sentimentos Você está ciente dos seus sentimentos? Você se permite vivenciá-los sem julgá-los como bons ou ruins? Todos nós temos sentimentos que às vezes parecem irracionais, mas pessoas bem-sucedidas são capazes de reconhecê-los e seguir em frente em vez de negar sua existência.
  2. Aceite a Responsabilidade Você pode aceitar a responsabilidade pelo que faz ou pelas escolhas que faz? Embora seja da natureza humana dar desculpas de vez em quando, pessoas bem-sucedidas são capazes de aceitar a responsabilidade por si mesmas e por suas ações. Ao mesmo tempo, elas se abstêm de negar responsabilidade ou culpar os outros.
  3. Ask For Help Can you ask for help?  Sometimes it’s hard for us to admit we can’t solve a problem ourselves. Successful people learn to be successful by asking for and getting help if they need it.

Assuma o nosso compromisso "Não pare de acreditar"

Às vezes a vida nos dá algo que nos derruba. Quando você for derrubado, acredite em si mesmo e continue tentando. Você pode se levantar. Talvez você não seja apontado no caminho original, mas você pode fazer novas descobertas sobre si mesmo e suas capacidades.

You possess amazing abilities and talents! 

Concentrate on the areas where you have proven your capability. Dream, set goals, and work toward them because the successes and downfalls you experience in life will help to create who you are.

Appreciate every moment and take from it everything positive thing you can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Tell yourself you are a great individual by letting your spirit say, “I believe.”


I pledge to be myself, follow my dreams, and always do my best.

I can make a difference! I promise to try.

I promise to live each day it to the fullest, realizing it can never come back again.

Percebo que esta é a minha vida e que sou incrível.

Help with Bullying

Dealing with Bullies

Notice: In all cases, if you or someone you know is at immediate risk for physical harm including suicide, please call RI Emergency 911 immediately and ask for help!

Are you or someone you know being bullied?

O suicídio nunca deve ser a opção para resolver esse problema. Saiba mais sobre o problema lendo abaixo e linkando para este site nacional.

To deal with bullying in person or online, it;s imperative to learn more about what to look for and what you can do to prevent further victimization. Do not blame yourself or face this problem alone. Tell someone! Tell a trusted family member, teacher or professional at school.

Um valentão pode usar diferentes tipos de bullying para intimidar outra pessoa. Isso inclui bullying físico, trote, bullying emocional, bullying verbal e cyberbullying.


A bully hurts another person over and over. A bully is a person who purposely tries to hurt others by:

*Making them feel uncomfortable

*Hurting them by kicking, hitting, pushing, tripping, etc.


*Espalhando rumores desagradáveis

A bully is someone who threatens you in person, through texting, or on-line.

O que você pode fazer se alguém estiver praticando bullying contra VOCÊ:

  • Tente não deixar o valentão ver que você está chateado. Não tente provar a si mesmo, tenha confiança e faça isso com um sorriso.
  • Be kind. Be outgoing. Try to surround yourself with friends and people who will stand up for you.
  • Avoid areas where the bully feels comfortable picking on you, places where teachers cannot see you – such as lonely corridors, and behind large furniture in the classroom.
  • Tell someone you trust about it… parents, teachers, professionals at school including school-based police or older friends. Bring a trusted friend with you.
  • Do not let a bully threaten you or someone you love into keeping the bullying a secret.
  • To help yourself and others being bullied - NEVER keep being bullied a secret! 

O que você pode fazer se OUTRA PESSOA estiver sofrendo bullying:

  • Reúna os amigos e FALE com o valentão. Deixe os valentões da sua escola saberem que o bullying não é aceito na sua escola.
  • Não torça pelo valentão nem fique parado assistindo.
  • If you see someone being bullied, find someone to help stop it. (Find the nearest friends or adults. Tell someone.)
  • Befriend, include, and get to know the person who is being bullied.  Persons being bullied needs to know someone cares about them.

What to do about CYBER BULLYING:

  • Keep your passwords private… even from friends.
  • Nunca forneça informações pessoais (endereço, horário, nome da escola, etc.).
  • Document the occurrences by saving all emails and texts… Do not delete them.
  • If you can block the bully’s messages… DO IT.
  • Show any threatening messages to a trusted adult, school official, internet provider, or cell phone company who can take legal action to stop the bully.
  • Do not respond to the bully.
  • Tell someone you trust about it… parents, teachers, professionals at school including school-based police or older friends. Bring a trusted friend with you.
  • Do not let a bully threaten you or someone you love into keeping the bullying a secret.
  • To help yourself and others being bullied - Never keep being bullied a secret!


Is your friend Depressed?

Depression can affect anyone. There are many physical problems may present themselves as depression. Depression is one of the most common psychological problems, affecting nearly everyone through either personal experience or through depression in a family member. It can interfere with normal functioning, and frequently causes problems with social and family adjustment. It causes pain and suffering not only to those who have the problem, but also to those who care about them. It’s important to learn what depression looks like and what to do if you spot the warning signs.

Pode ser difícil saber a diferença entre ter um dia ruim e precisar procurar ajuda de um profissional de saúde comportamental ou conselheiro. Mas como você realmente saberia que alguém com quem você se importa precisa procurar ajuda de um profissional?

The first place to start is to understand the signs and symptoms. These are widely varied, and some may not apply. However, if you are noticing that you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms that are occurring over a period of time (not just a day or two), and severe enough that they are causing problems in daily life, it is probably a good indication that you should tell a TRUSTED ADULT such as a teacher, parent, counselor, etc.


  • Talking about, writing about, hinting at or threatening suicide (such threats precede four out of five deaths by suicide)
  • Abuso de álcool ou drogas
  • Drastic changes in personality (for example, a person might become rebellious or reckless)
  • Losing interest in favorite activities
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • No appetite or overeating
  • Previous suicide attempts
  • Giving away prized possessions
  • Fadiga, letargia ou apatia
  • Indo mal na escola
  • Retirada ou isolamento social
  • Drastic changes in appearance
  • Feelings of hopelessness or helplessness
  • Conflicts with friends and family

What You Can Do

Listen to your friend without judging,

Encourage them to tell you how they feel and what is on their mind.

Conte a um adulto de confiança…pai, professor, conselheiro, médico. Leve um amigo de confiança com você.

Emergency?  DIAL 911 immediately, explain the situation and ask for advice.

Se você ou seu amigo precisarem conversar, saiba mais sobre a página do site Listening Line.

Call The Samaritans’ Listening Line at 401-272-4044.

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