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Além das informações abaixo, revise nossa Lista de verificação de emergência para suicídio.
Experts tell us the truly suicidal, of all ages, do not want to die—they just want to end whatever is causing the pain—be it physical, emotional or both.
Ao aprender mais sobre prevenção ao suicídio, você pode se tornar um parceiro do The Samaritans of RI e ajudar a si mesmo, seus entes queridos e amigos. Role para baixo ou clique em uma pergunta para saber as respostas para todas as perguntas frequentes postadas:
De acordo com a Estratégia Nacional para Prevenção do Suicídio, pesquisas mostram que, sob condições ideais, “o suicídio é um problema evitável com oportunidades realistas de salvar muitas vidas”. E embora, na realidade, “estudos definitivos estejam frequentemente ausentes para muitos tipos de intervenções sociais e de saúde mental, incluindo aquelas projetadas para prevenir o suicídio”, os melhores programas de suicídio disponíveis se esforçam para incorporar uma gama de serviços e provedores, trabalhando juntos, dentro da comunidade. (Veja os fatores de proteção listados abaixo.)
Suicidal feelings happen over time—whether a short period or a long period—and for a number of reasons. At the same time, prevention is a process that is most effective when the right support system, including family and friends, medical and mental health, school, as well as public and private sectors, work together.
What do experts say are the risk factors for suicide?
De acordo com a Estratégia Nacional para Prevenção do Suicídio, os fatores de risco são considerados como levando ou sendo associados ao suicídio; ou seja, pessoas “possuindo” os fatores de risco têm maior potencial para comportamento suicida. Os fatores de risco incluem, mas não estão necessariamente limitados a:
Fatores de risco biopsicossociais
Fatores de Risco Ambiental
Fatores de risco socioculturais
What do the experts say are protective factors for suicide?
According to the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, protective factors reduce the likelihood of suicide, enhance resilience and may serve to counterbalance risk factors.
Protective Factors
De acordo com a Estratégia Nacional para Prevenção do Suicídio, a resistência positiva ao suicídio não é permanente, então indivíduos e famílias devem buscar programas e ajuda profissional que apoiem e mantenham a proteção contra o suicídio ao longo da vida.
Que sinais devo procurar em meu familiar ou amigo?
The person who is depressed and maybe expressing suicidal feelings often has a hard time thinking clearly or recognizing his or her own symptoms. Symptoms including negative thinking, inappropriate behaviors or physical changes that last more than two weeks need to be reversed as soon as possible. (NIHpublication No. 01 -3842 Reprinted June 2001).
Depressed or suicidal feelings are often expressed in the following ways:
Observação: a lista acima não é completa, apenas alguns dos sinais de alerta mais comuns.
What is the suicidal person thinking?
Experts tell us the suicidal person truly believes the world would be a better place if he or she were not living. They also tell us the suicidal person truly believes no one in his or her immediate circle of family and friends cares if he or she dies. They also tell us that the suicidal person doesn’t necessarily want to end his/her life, they want to end whatever is causing so much anguish and that suicide appears to be the only way for that pain to end. (See “What do I say next?” below.)
Os especialistas também nos dizem que os verdadeiros suicidas acreditam:
What is the first step I can take to help?
What a suicidal person most needs is to be listened to, not lectured or advised. Don’t try to offer solutions or try to make them feel better. What a depressed or suicide person most wants is to feel safe with you, to know that you can be trusted, to know that you care. He/she needs a person who will say, “I care” – and show it by not talking but by listening. Listen with sincerity and care, with interest and without judgment.
Begin by gently asking, “Is there something bothering you? I’ll be glad to listen.” Your family member, friend or loved one might reveal something that happened at home, at work, school or in a relationship. You then might ask any of these questions: “How did you feel about that?” “How did that make you feel?” “Did that hurt your feelings?” “What are you feeling, right now, this very minute?” Remember; demonstrate that you can listen patiently.
Should I then ask questions about suicide?
Yes. People who are depressed or suicidal often have a hard time recognizing their own symptoms. They may need your help. When you think that risk factors are there, you can ask, “Is that problem bothering you so much that you are thinking about killing yourself?” Asking the suicide question is appropriate. You can also ask if they have a plan, a method and a time set.
Se eu fizer a pergunta sobre suicídio, estarei “plantando a ideia”?
One of the most harmful misconceptions about suicide is the fear that you’ll “plant the idea” if you raise the issue of suicide. Nothing could be further from the truth. It demonstrates that you are genuinely concerned about the person in distress. By raising the issue, you will not push people into considering or attempting suicide. Talking through feelings, and giving uncritical support, may help a friend, family member or loved one recognizes his or her need for treatment. This is especially true if someone is reluctant to ask for help.
Tell the suicidal person that you care, that you don’t want them to die. Tell the person that depression and related symptoms are treatable and you want him or her to seek professional help. Say that suicidal feelings can pass with the right help from a doctor and mental health professional. Offer to assist in obtaining whatever help he or she would like. If that person is uncomfortable talking to you, a family member or doctor, tell them they can always call The Samaritans of Rhode Island or visit this website to learn more about suicide.
Agora que sei que o suicídio é possível, o que devo fazer a seguir?
O conhecimento de que alguém pode querer se matar pode ser muito angustiante e é grande demais para lidar sozinho ou guardar para si mesmo. É importante que se obtenha ajuda imediatamente.
Devo contar a alguém? Quem?
Se você estiver em idade escolar e for um amigo da escola que está com tendências suicidas, conte a um professor, conselheiro, diretor, pai ou outro adulto de confiança. Por lei em Rhode Island, a equipe escolar e outros que cuidam de crianças devem notificar os pais e ajudar a obter a ajuda necessária.
If it’s a relative who is suicidal, tell another trusted, family member who will listen to your concerns about risk factors for suicide. Share what you have learned on this website. Tell them that the suicidal person must see a doctor or professional mental health specialist.
If you are suicidal, the same rules apply. Tell a trusted person that you need and want to be helped. Remember that suicide is preventable with the right access to care and treatment. You can also call The Samaritans.
Isn’t it true that if a person really wants help, he or she will get it?
Depression and other issues relating to suicide sap energy and self-esteem, and interfere with a person’s ability or wish to get help. Often times, people who are depressed have a hard time thinking clearly or recognizing their own symptoms.
Mas se eu contar a alguém e quebrar a confiança, meu amigo, familiar ou ente querido nunca mais falará comigo. Eles confiam em mim!
This ethical dilemma can certainly be trying but your goal from the beginning of your conversation was to learn if this person was thinking about suicide. The idea that suicide may be preventable with the right help should guide your decision to break the confidence. And if the suicidal person confronts you about breaking the confidence, tell him or her that you did it because you care and you don’t want that person to die.
What type of help is available?
If the situation is an emergency and suicide is imminent – remember that you cannot help if you or those around you are in danger – this is especially true if lethal weapons are available. Go to a safe place and call 911 immediately! Follow 911 operator instructions.
A suicidal person can also receive help at the nearest hospital emergency room.
Se você não tiver certeza se a situação é uma emergência ou não, ligue para o departamento de polícia local onde seu ente querido mora. Conte a eles a situação e peça que façam uma “verificação de bem-estar” em seu ente querido.
The Role of The Samaritans of RI
A Samaritans mantém uma linha de escuta 24 horas, com voluntários treinados. Além de oferecer escuta sem julgamentos, eles também podem ligar para o 911 ou fazer encaminhamentos para hospitais de cuidados agudos, VA, centros de saúde mental comunitários locais e outros números de linha direta específicos para problemas.
Os Samaritanos de RI nunca substituem cuidados médicos e comportamentais profissionais e licenciados.
Note: Remember all care should be coordinated through a primary care physician and coordinated with a licensed mental health specialist. If you or someone you know does not have a primary care physician, referral information can be provided by health insurance companies and local hospital physician referral programs. Medical care can also be provided through RI’s network of community health centers. or by calling 988.