24 Hour Crisis Hotline/Listening Line | Need to talk? (401) 272-4044 or (800) 365-4044
Suicide is considered a missed opportunity in prevention. It is also NOT a one size fits all problem. The challenges of one person may not be the challenges of another. To better understand the breadth of the problem and how to address it, we encourage you to read:
Sobre suicídio
Muitas vezes, problemas de saúde e de comportamento acontecem ao mesmo tempo, impactando um ao outro e você pode se sentir deprimido. Mudanças em medicamentos ou dieta, estresse, problemas de estilo de vida ou problemas médicos não diagnosticados anteriormente também podem impactar seu bem-estar mental e físico. Se você ou um ente querido está sofrendo de depressão, escreva uma lista de suas preocupações, observações, problemas médicos passados e atuais e desafios de assistência médica, bem como quaisquer pensamentos de depressão e suicídio. Compartilhe suas preocupações com um familiar ou amigo de confiança, equipe de pronto-socorro, seu provedor de assistência médica ou coordenador de serviço social.
Your primary care doctor is your medical home. The best care is coordinated care between a RI licensed primary care doctor and RI licensed behavioral health specialist. Your list of concerns and observations, emergency room assessments, as well as medical and behavioral reports should be provided to and exchanged among your care providers.
Staying connected to family, friends and your community is an important component of any prevention and treatment program. Become part of a community organization – faith based, recreational, volunteer, educational, senior, library, youth and teen, garden or environmental organization can provide purpose, friendship and hope. Call the Town of Scituate or visit its website to learn more! Can’t leave your home? Stay connected to The Samaritans of Rhode Island’s free, listening line where trained volunteers listen and befriend without judgment. Callers are invited to call as often as needed. Call (401) 272-4044 or (1-800) 365-4044.
Primary Health Care, Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Social Services and Veterans Services
Find Medical, Behavioral Services, Advocacy, Support Groups and other Community Care.
Rhode Islanders of all ages call The Samaritans when they just need someone to listen. Trained volunteers provide free, nonjudgmental befriending to the hopeless, alone, suicidal, grieving, infirmed and to caregivers stressed by worry and responsibility. The Samaritans of RI does not replace professional medical, mental health, social service or pastoral care. However, we can provide supportive services between appointments, when family and friends are not available or when professional care is not an option. Callers are invited to call as often as needed. (401) 272-4044 or (1-800) 365-4044.