24 Hour Crisis Hotline/Listening Line | Need to talk? (401) 272-4044 or (800) 365-4044


Privacy Policy

Your Personal Information

Hotline/Listening Line: IMPORTANCE NOTICE – Due to extraordinary circumstance of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are utilizing various technologies to be able to answers calls and can not guarantee the anonymity of calls using these technologies. If you have reached our new Hotline/Listening Line voice message, it means our volunteers are on the line with other callers or unable to take your call at that time.  Please note, we are unable to return any calls or to answer any messages.  We are trying to take as many calls as possible. We appreciate your patience.

You do not have to provide any personal information to visit this web site.

Information Automatically Collected and Stored in Server Logs

When you browse through any web site, certain personal information about you can be collected. The Samaritans, Inc. of RI will automatically collect and temporarily store the following information about each visit for statistical purposes:

  1. The name of the domain you use to access the Internet (for example, aol.com, if you are using an American Online account, or stanford.edu, if you are connecting from Stanford University’s domain)
  2. The date and time of the visit
  3. The pages visited
  4. The address of the web site you came from when you came to visit

A Samaritans, Inc. of RI usa essas informações para fins estatísticos e para nos ajudar a tornar nosso site mais útil aos visitantes. Elas também nos ajudarão a demonstrar aos financiadores e apoiadores os tipos de informações que as pessoas estão interessadas em ler sobre prevenção ao suicídio. A menos que seja especificamente declarado o contrário, nenhuma informação adicional será coletada.


A Samaritans, Inc. de RI não divulga, fornece, vende ou transfere nenhuma informação pessoal sobre visitantes ou chamadores do site, a menos que exigido por lei ou por estatuto.

Notes regarding Confidentiality:

Para fins de amizade, os chamadores são questionados se gostariam de compartilhar seus primeiros nomes. Não é necessário para receber amizade. Todas as informações sobre os chamadores são confidenciais dentro da agência, a menos que:

  • We have informed consent from the caller to pass on information.
  • We receive a court order requiring us to divulge information.
  • We are passed information about acts of terrorism or bomb warnings.
  • A caller attacks volunteers or others.
  • A caller threatens to attack volunteers or others.
  • A caller deliberately prevents the service from being delivered to other callers.

We reserve the right to amend this privacy statement at any time and without notice.  If we do so, we will post the change on our website.

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