24 Hour Crisis Hotline/Listening Line | Need to talk? (401) 272-4044 or (800) 365-4044

Suicide Emergency Checklist

In the case of all medical emergencies and life-threatening situations please call 911. 

Os samaritanos de Rhode Island

Suicide Emergency Checklist

We understand in today’s world, there may be some hesitation about calling 911 or rescue.

Please know 911 operators are there to help. Explain the situation. Ask for advice.

Still don’t want to call 911? Consider calling 988 (BHLink) and asking for advice. (Option #5 below.)

or for substance use issues, learn more about Safe Fire Stations. (See Option #7 below.)

Option 1

A suicide emergency/life-threatening situation? 

 In Rhode Island or anywhere in the USA -Please contact your local 911 and EXPLAIN THE SITUATION AND ASK FOR ADVICE. 

A maioria dos 911s locais conseguem se conectar

com outros 911 no país.

*Important Note: Many 911 systems have GPS capabilities

to help locate those in distress.

Option 2

For additional help in suicide emergency/life-threatening situation - within Rhode Island: please contact the RI State Police (401)-444-1000.

Explain the situation and ask for advice.

RI State Police can coordinate with RI E-911

e municípios locais.

Out-of-state? Call the State Police in your area.

Option 3

You and your loved one can walk into the nearest

acute care hospital ER. Ask for advice.

Learn more: At The Emergency Room

Option 4

Currently in the care?

Not a medical emergency or life-threatening

situation requiring police Intervention?

Ligue diretamente para seu médico de atenção primária e/ou seu profissional de saúde comportamental e PEÇA CONSELHOS.

Call your insurance provider directly and ask for advice.

Option 5

Someone in Emotional Distress or Substance Use Crisis?

Not currently in care?

Not a medical emergency/life-threatening situation?

Does not require police Intervention?

In RI contact BHLink 

ligando para 988 ou 401-414-5465 para uma avaliação, tratamento e encaminhamento 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, localizado em

East Providence RI. Peça conselhos.

(BHLink does not serve children. See #6 Kids Link RI)

Concerns from elsewhere in the country? Call 988

to be connected to resources in your area.

Option 6


Not a medical emergency or life-threatening situation

requiring police Intervention?

For children, youth and teens – contact pediatrician or

ligue para KIDS Link RI e peça conselhos em 1-855-543-5465

Option 7

Problema de uso de substâncias, mas

Concerns about calling 911 or Rescue?

Considere encontrar um

SAFE FIRE STATION and asking for advice.

RI SAFE FIRE STATIONS can be located on

this SAFE STATIONS website.

Option 8

Need to Talk? - Family, Friends and Professionals 

not available or not an option?

Call a volunteer at The Samaritans of Rhode Island

RI's most trusted listening line since 1977

Anonymous, confidential befriending.

401.272.4044 or 1.800.365.4044


Option 9

Other 24/7 Care Services

Please see the websites and call the numbers below to determine if these care options are appropriate. 

Explain the situation. Ask for advice.

Butler Hospital (RI) - 1-844-401-0111

RI Certified Behavioral Health Clinics

Agências de Ação Comunitária de RI

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