24 Hour Crisis Hotline/Listening Line | Need to talk? (401) 272-4044 or (800) 365-4044


Help For Everyone

Os Samaritanos de Rhode Island compartilham recursos com aqueles que buscam ajuda e informações.

The list below is arranged both alphabetically and by a variety of community demographics to help you locate information focusing on topics such as age, gender, ethnicity and professions, among others. These resources will link you to more helpful online information. More information will be added from time to time, so please check back often.

African Americans

Suicide and the African American Community

Enlutado pela perda do suicídio de um ente querido

Befrienders Worldwide
The Samaritans of Rhode Island –
 Safe Place Grief Support Group

Fundação Americana para Prevenção do Suicídio - apoio ao luto por código postal.


The Samaritans of RI “Are you a Caregiver? We can Help”

Apoio Nacional ao Cuidador Familiar


National Institute of Mental Health
National Institute of Health Resource Link

Parents MedGuide: A Guide offering practical advice to parents of children and adolescents struggling with depression

Depressão na gravidez/pós-parto

Disorders (Other Mental Health Problems)

Instituto Nacional de Saúde Mental

Idosos e americanos mais velhos

National Institute of Health Resource Link


National Institute of Health Resource Link

Gay and Lesbian

RI Open Door Health Center 

American Psychiatric Association: GLBTQ+ Mental Health


National Institute for Health Link in Spanish


CDC: Centro Nacional de Prevenção de HIV, DST e TB, Divisão de Prevenção de HIV-AIDS Link

International Helplines by Country

Befrienders Worldwide


Isolamento - em breve.

Communication is Key - coming soon.

Modelo de Cuidado Centrado na Pessoa - em breve.

Law Enforcement and First Responders

EMS: Suporte para Primeiros Socorristas

Providence Journal: First Responders

Media Professionals

World Health Organization - Report Suicide Media Guide

Media Guidelines for Bullying Prevention


National Institute of Health Resource Link


Aquidneck Island-Military and their Families
Rhode Island National Guard Link
US Army Public Health Command
US Army Behavioral Health

Resilience in a Time of War
US Veterans Administration and Suicide Prevention
Providence RI VA Hospital
Veterans and Military Family Health

Newport Mental Health - centro de saúde mental local/apoio a veteranos

Recursos Nacionais – por Estado

Helplines by State

Native Americans

Prevenção do suicídio tribal

Site de Serviços Federais de Saúde IndígenaEscritório Federal de Saúde Minoritária

RI- Narragansett Tribe Health and Human Services

RI Indian Council

Physicians and Health Care Providers

A Guide for Medical Providers in the Emergency Department Taking Care of Suicide Attempt Survivors.

Depression and Cancer Patients

Prevenção do suicídio: Guia de cuidados primários de saúdeCompetência cultural em cuidados de saúdeDiretrizes de prática da American Psychiatric Association (adulto)Parâmetros de prática da American Academy of Child and Adolescent Pyschiatry (criança)

Recursos de prevenção para médicos e estagiários de escolas médicas





Organização Mundial de Saúde

Substance Abuse

Uso de substâncias por adolescentes: o problema de saúde pública número 1 da América


National Institute of Drug Abuse

National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism

Teachers and Other School Staff

The Samaritans of RI – Teachers’ Perspective Page
World Health Organization - Resource Guide


Suicide in Veterinary Medicine

VMD Today


VMD Today


National Institute of Health Resource Link
RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence


Visit our SamaritansRI Youth Resources pages

New US Center for Disease Control Report

Academia Americana de Psiquiatria Infantil e Adolescente

Links de recursos do NIMHSaúde comportamental de adolescentes gays e lésbicas

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