24 Hour Crisis Hotline/Listening Line | Need to talk? (401) 272-4044 or (800) 365-4044



Note: Please remember, if your call is an emergency, please call 911.  Not sure it’s an emergency? Please call 911 and ask for advice.

At The Samaritans of RI, our Hotline/Listening Line coverage may vary depending on the availability of volunteers within a 24 hour period.

For more information about suicide related emergencies, please see our Suicide Emergency Checklist.

Outras informações

The Samaritans is not a licensed, health care agency. All information provided on www.samaritansri.org is general in nature. Do not rely upon any of the information for medical diagnosis or treatment.

Please consult your primary health care provider about any personal health concerns. All care should be coordinated with a licensed primary care provider and a licensed mental health provider. For more information about licensed, health care providers in Rhode Island, contact the RI Department of Health.

As agências ou organizações listadas em www.samaritansri.com são incluídas apenas para uso informativo e a inclusão não implica endosso pela The Samaritans, Inc. de Providence, RI. A The Samaritans, Inc. de Rhode Island não assume nenhuma responsabilidade por toda e qualquer informação no site.

A aparência ou o conteúdo de um link neste site não implica endosso ou expressa as opiniões e pontos de vista da The Samaritans, Inc. de RI ou de qualquer agência governamental ou sem fins lucrativos local, estadual, federal ou internacional ou organização patrocinadora.

Be careful not to submit any personal information without being aware of the site’s privacy policy.

Notes regarding Confidentiality:

Para fins de amizade, os chamadores são questionados se gostariam de compartilhar seus primeiros nomes. Não é necessário para receber amizade. Todas as informações sobre os chamadores são confidenciais dentro da agência, a menos que:

  • We have informed consent from the caller to pass on information.
  • We receive a court order requiring us to divulge information.
  • We are passed information about acts of terrorism or bomb warnings.
  • A caller attacks volunteers or others.
  • A caller threatens to attack volunteers or others.
  • A caller deliberately prevents the service from being delivered to other callers.

We reserve the right to amend this privacy statement at any time and without notice.  If we do so, we will post the change on our website.

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